Archive for the ‘NY’ Category

New York Basic Star IN or OUT? Well, it’s changed

I keep getting inquiries regarding whether or not the BASIC STAR in New York is on its way out, and the answer is NO, but it is changing requirements; meaning NOW you must make less than $500K.

Firstly, you may wonder what the STAR is:

The New York State School Tax Relief Program (STAR) provides New York homeowners with partial exemptions from school property taxes. If you earn less than $500,000 and own and live in your home, you are probably eligible for the STAR exemption.

There are two parts to the  2011 STAR property tax exemption:

  • Basic STAR is available for owner-occupied, primary residences where the owners’ total income is less than $500,000. Basic STAR works by exempting the first $30,000 of the full value of a home from school taxes.
  • Enhanced STAR provides an increased benefit for the primary residences of senior citizens (age 65 and older) with qualifying incomes. For qualifying seniors, Enhanced STAR exempts the first $60,100 of the full value of their home from school taxes.

This year legislation requires that taxpayers over the $500,000 income will no longer be eligible. If that is you, you will be notified by the assessor; If you agree that you’re ineligible, you don’t need to do anything. However, if your income drops below the limit in the future, you’ll need to re-apply for the exemption.

If your household income is below $500,000 and you believe that you’re eligible for the exemption, contact your assessor.

Also, If  NO notice comes  from your assessor, don’t do anything…all is good.

More info?

Where do YOU shop small?

This just came to my attention and I want to share and show my support of the first national
Small Business Saturday, soon to be as popular as Black Friday This movement and event, starting this November 27, will be held on the Saturday after our Thanksgiving holiday! This is an awesome way to give back to our communities, boost the economy and preserve our community businesses around the country.
Many advocacy groups, public and private organizations have already joined in on this annual event. I am ALL about supporting and promoting local and small businesses, this is what connects residents, encourages community growth, and adds to everyone’s lifestyle! Shopping local, buying local is a campaign that comes and goes, depending on the economy, don’t you think? Consumer awareness of shopping local brings in people and creates a more vital business community. If you want to see your community flourish, PLEASE, get out there, walk or drive only 5 minutes and support your local INDEPENDENT businesses!
JOIN the MOVEMENT~SPREAD the WORD, give your local businesses a booster shot!
Consumers are encouraged to celebrate the local businesses they care about it.
More info? and

Get Local!

2010 Home sales and trends in Westchester County and Putnam County…town by town!

I recently created a market snapshot of homes sales and trends for Croton on Hudson, NY, and I received several emails from other readers who live in the surrounding area requesting a snapshot for their particular area. People…FEEL FREE to contact me and ask for your own snapshot of your home town, I will be happy to pull together for you.

In the meantime, Coldwell Banker has put one together a very informative one that is even more savvy than mine ( I wonder who gave them the idea….) 😉

Bed Bugs got me Bitchin’

yuck, a bedbug

yuck, a bedbug

I am getting pretty freaked out with all the news about bedbug infestations I decided to write about it and trust me this has become a well researched post for my blog, and an eye opener, too. The number one question I had regarding these pests is why are the pesticides not working? The answer doesn’t make me feel warm and fuzzy; what it comes down to is the evolution of these bugs, pesticides and the EPA’s regulations.

I was told a few years ago from a client, her brother-in-law  has made a fortune exterminating movie theatres….yikes! Who knew? Recently I have heard Lincoln Centre dressing rooms, JV Mall, Wal-Mart just to name a few. In the recent past it has been written about Victoria’s Secret shutting its doors, Abercrombie & Fitch amongst many others with brief closings to eradicate the bed bugs.

It seems,finally, policies are being put in place by many retailers though many don’t like to talk of it., it’s all very hush hush!  Bergdorf Goodman rep,“We are currently in the process of formulating a plan”, regarding taking a pro-active stance to keep the pesky pests away.

With that, here is what I have learned:

  1. Bed bugs have been around the US since before World War II
  2. Bed bugs are parasites that prefer to feed on humans, but will feed on other animals, including birds, rodents, bats, and pets.
  3. DDT was the pesticide favorably used until the 1970’s when it was banned for eco reasons, but also, the key point is the bedbugs had become immune to DDT.
  4. Since the 70’s, much more international traveling has become custom, and with NY and NJ being international gateways brings in visitors and commerce where these bugs (and eggs) hitchhike and spread on clothing, furniture and bedding.
  5. There are pesticides, such as Propoxur, but that was banned in the mid 90’s due to it also being deemed a carcinogen.


Which brings to mind, how long can they survive without our blood?  Female bed bugs lay from one to twelve eggs per day, and the eggs are deposited on rough surfaces or in crack and crevices. The eggs hatch in 6 to 17 days, and nymphs can immediately begin to feed. They require a blood meal in order to molt.  They molt 5 times and then there an adult, and this all takes 21 days…nymphs and adults can live for several months without food. The adult’s lifespan may encompass 12-18 months.

Okay, want some more creepiness? Even though the bites are painless, they do leave marks/rash on the skin, itching, white welts. The bed bugs are nocturnal, and they hide during the day and they seem to prefer fabric, wood, and paper surfaces.

Prevention is the key, and don’t bring them home.

When buying new clothes wash them immediately and dry them for at least 20 min on high.

Inspecting your homes and hotels is imperative. Frequent vacuuming (including mattresses), beddings washed in hot water and dried on high and hot. Repair cracks in plaster and glue down loosened wallpaper to eliminate bed bug harborage sites.

At hotels or even in your home lift the sheets and look for fecal stains and egg cases would suggest bedbugs have been present, but only a live bug would be critical.  Also,  place your luggage on tables or on dressers instead of on the floor. Keep your clothes in Ziploc bags, and when you get home leave the luggage outside for a few days.

When I look at life from a big picture perspective, sure bed bugs don’t seem that bad (they don’t spread disease), but it sure would be nice if we could someday find a cure for all the diseases, illnesses (and YES, bedbugs) somewhere, somehow in our  natural world.  I hope this has been helpful to you; I sure did learn much with my research and will be making some adjustments for travel and everyday life. A natural bed bug spray product, Avenger, seems promising though temporary, Google it; I am going to get a few bottles to take with me to the movies, airplanes and hotels. I may sound paranoid, (and if you know me I’m really not), though the thought of bedbugs definitely leaves me feeling itchy and concerned.

Westchester and Putnam homeowners, are you grieving your property taxes?

Homeowners have a right to challenge their taxes, and Grievance day is around the corner.  Westchester County NY property taxes are out of control , property values are down; the law and more and more cases are supporting the right of the homeowner in challenging their property taxes. To start with you need current supporting comparable sold properties, and time (or you can hire a tax certiorari).  Municipalities do not like to lower assessments. A tax certiorari attorney can make a big difference in how successful your grievance is; usually one has a greater chance working with an attorney than going it alone for it is a long process that can be frustrating and done in a timely manner.

Several years ago at a time when property values were soaring homeowners were simply not aware of what was happening in our municipalities, in our county, our country, many were making money. Well, times have changed, the market turned around, property values are down, and here we are with these outrageous property taxes. I don’t think our town and county officials are getting it, home prices have declined, and the more they hike our taxes the valuation of our homes goes even further down!

Property taxes are calculated by fair market value. The amount of a particular property’s tax bill is determined by two things: the property’s taxable assessment and the tax rates of the taxing jurisdictions in which the property is located. The tax rate is determined by the amount of the tax levy to be raised from all, or part, of an assessing unit, and the unit’s total taxable assessed value. The assessment is determined by the assessor and should be based on the value of the property less any applicable property tax exemptions.

The assessor can estimate the market value of property based on the sale prices of similar properties. A property can also be valued based on the depreciated cost of materials and labor required to replace it. Commercial property may be valued on its potential to produce rental income for its owners. In other words, the assessor can use whatever approach provides the best estimate of a property s market value; they must be assessed at their current-use value.

What your neighbors pay in taxes for what may be a similar property is not considered by the municipality in the grievance process. Their property may be under-assessed. Actual recent sales are considered the best evidence of a property’s market value.

You can go it alone, or hire a tax certiorari.   The one thing to keep in mind is Grievance Days in every municipality have only one day a year to for you start the process.  There is a set day in Westchester, Putnam, and Rockland counties to hear property tax appeals. If you live in a Village, you must go first go through your town’s grievance day, and then once that has been accepted you than proceed to have your village taxes grieved.

Putnam County Grievance Day is the 4th Tuesday in May. Kent the 4th Wednesday.

Rockland County – Village G-Day  is  the 3rd Tuesday of February. Town G-Day are the 4th Tuesday in May.

Westchester County – Village G-DAy is 3rd Tuesday of February. Town and Cities are the third Tuesday (this year the 15th) in June. You can apply anytime between the June 1 thru the 15th.


Keep in mind:

Have a Realtor provide you with comparable properties, and/or have your house appraised by a certified appraiser.

You can challenge your assessment every year unless you have had a successful challenge than you must wait two years

Hire a professional if you don’t want to spend the time to fill out much paperwork, attend and present to the hearing board.

Fee’s  by a tax certiorari attorney are generally calculated as a percentage of the first years save in taxes.

Your assessments cannot increase with your grievance application. The Board of Assessment Review (BAR) and the Small Claims Assessment Hearing Officer (SCAR) only have authority to review the evidence presented, and if accepted they can only lower your assessment.

If you believe your home is over assessed, homeowners have a right to challenge their assessment.

Grievance Day is coming up, and you’ve got the right…to grieve….!